Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Friends Reunion? Oh. My. GOD.

"How you doin'?"
"He's her lobster!"
"Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?"
"We were on a break!"

Do any of these sound familiar? Hopefully they do. These are some of the best lines in comedic history that all originated from one amazing show - Friends.

Ten years of Ross, Rachel, Joey, Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe. Ten years of an incredible bond between six outstanding characters finding their way through life in New York. And of course, ten years of coffee from Central Perk.

Fans rejoiced on Sunday when the group reunited to honor the legendary director, James Burrows. After all this time, the bond between the cast appeared to be just as strong as ever.

The only friend who couldn't make it was Matthew Perry, since he is in London performing in a play. But NBC didn't let Chandler fans down. Perry was shown on video to introduce the remaining five.

The entire cast looked great and all aged extremely well. Matt LeBlanc could still pull off Joey's "how you doin'?" line and make girls swoon.

During the interview, the cast discussed how there was constant support for each other. During the first season, they all watched the episodes together and gave each other constructive feedback. Courtney Cox mentioned how the three girls had lunch together every day for ten years.

Lots of fun facts were revealed, including how Jennifer Aniston and Cox actually auditioned for opposite roles. It was later decided that the other was better suited to play Rachel/Monica.

A few cast members were able to choose a favorite episode amongst the hundreds of amazing ones filmed. Cox enjoyed "The One With the Blackout" while Aniston liked the flashback shows with "Rachel's pre-nose job."

James Burrows had a big hand in always taking the comedy of Friends a step further. In one episode, Ross ends up in the hospital after getting hit in the face with a hockey puck. Joey is sitting next to Ross, bringing the puck to his own face to see what the experience was like.

According to LeBlanc, that hilarious action was all Burrows' idea. Now it's hard to imagine the scene without it. He said it's a "little sort of seed he gives you" to make every moment the best it can be.

Towards the end of the series, David Schwimmer took a hand at directing some episodes, which were just as strong as the early seasons. He said Burrows "graciously took me under his wing."

Thank you, James Burrows, for giving us ten years of laughs, life lessons, and tears when Rachel finally got off that plane.

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