Tuesday, April 12, 2016

American Idol Finale: Best Moments

"We say goodbye...for now."

Ryan Seacrest closed the finale of American Idol with those few simple words, causing every household in the country to question what the heck he meant. After months of build up of how this was the last season EVER, he left us hanging just like before every commercial break for 15 years.

As an avid fan since day one, I was thrilled this might not be the end. January just wouldn't be the same without the enjoyment of horrible auditions. But whether the show comes back in one year or ten, they ended this season with a bang.

First off, this was a better final two than they've had in years. Trent Harmon and LaPorsha could sing circles around some contestants from recent seasons. I have to say, I was pretty bitter that Dalton Rapattoni finished third. His elimination was happening just as I walked in the door last Wednesday, so it took about 10 minutes of screaming at the TV before I even took my jacket off. Hands down, he was best performer of the season, and not bad to look at either.

Days before the finale, I was telling anyone who would listen that they should bring back as many past contestants as they could. Idol must have heard me because they didn't disappoint. This was the first season where they didn't do corny weekly group numbers, but they made up for this in one night. And I loved every second of it.

Past winners and Top 12 contestants all came together to create some interesting yet unforgettable performances. Guests included everyone from Justin Guarini and Ruben Studdard to David Cook and Jordan Sparks. William Hung even ran out on stage, much to the surprise of Ryan Seacrest, to sing his anthem "She Bangs."

One of the highlights of the show was a medley by the Idol who inspired all the rest, Kelly Clarkson. Her segment was filmed a few weeks earlier when she guest judged, since she was set to have her baby at the time of the finale. She sang hit after hit, and ended the performance with the Idol classic, "A Moment Like This." Absolute chills.

The dream team of the original three judges also made an appearance. If you've followed the show since the beginning, it was exciting and even emotional to see Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, and Randy Jackson together again on the Idol stage. Apparently, they weren't expecting Simon to make it, so that was a much welcomed surprise for everyone. Looking back, it's crazy to hear some of the harsh comments he said to contestants, but Idol would not be the same with him and his brutal honesty.

After 15 years of memories jam packed into two hours, Trent Harmon was crowned as the final American Idol (for now!). I think most people, including the judges, assumed that LaPorsha would win. She received constant positive feedback and her would-be single "Battles" had a much more Idol finale sound to it than Trent's "Falling." But Trent deserved it. He battled mono all through Hollywood week and improved his voice and performance every single round.

After Ryan's infamous "We say goodbye, for now," the Dolby Theater went pitch black. As someone who has so many childhood memories from the show - meeting the Season 10 contestants with my dad, screaming at the television when Chris Daughtry went home instead of Taylor Hicks - I hope Idol comes back soon, revamped and stronger than ever.

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