Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Friends Reunion? Oh. My. GOD.

"How you doin'?"
"He's her lobster!"
"Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?"
"We were on a break!"

Do any of these sound familiar? Hopefully they do. These are some of the best lines in comedic history that all originated from one amazing show - Friends.

Ten years of Ross, Rachel, Joey, Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe. Ten years of an incredible bond between six outstanding characters finding their way through life in New York. And of course, ten years of coffee from Central Perk.

Fans rejoiced on Sunday when the group reunited to honor the legendary director, James Burrows. After all this time, the bond between the cast appeared to be just as strong as ever.

The only friend who couldn't make it was Matthew Perry, since he is in London performing in a play. But NBC didn't let Chandler fans down. Perry was shown on video to introduce the remaining five.

The entire cast looked great and all aged extremely well. Matt LeBlanc could still pull off Joey's "how you doin'?" line and make girls swoon.

During the interview, the cast discussed how there was constant support for each other. During the first season, they all watched the episodes together and gave each other constructive feedback. Courtney Cox mentioned how the three girls had lunch together every day for ten years.

Lots of fun facts were revealed, including how Jennifer Aniston and Cox actually auditioned for opposite roles. It was later decided that the other was better suited to play Rachel/Monica.

A few cast members were able to choose a favorite episode amongst the hundreds of amazing ones filmed. Cox enjoyed "The One With the Blackout" while Aniston liked the flashback shows with "Rachel's pre-nose job."

James Burrows had a big hand in always taking the comedy of Friends a step further. In one episode, Ross ends up in the hospital after getting hit in the face with a hockey puck. Joey is sitting next to Ross, bringing the puck to his own face to see what the experience was like.

According to LeBlanc, that hilarious action was all Burrows' idea. Now it's hard to imagine the scene without it. He said it's a "little sort of seed he gives you" to make every moment the best it can be.

Towards the end of the series, David Schwimmer took a hand at directing some episodes, which were just as strong as the early seasons. He said Burrows "graciously took me under his wing."

Thank you, James Burrows, for giving us ten years of laughs, life lessons, and tears when Rachel finally got off that plane.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Grammy's 2016: Best Moments

Last night, I nestled in front of the TV for three and a half hours of music, fame, and much deserved recognition. As usual, the 2016 Grammy Awards did not disappoint - there were unbelievable performances, touching tributes, and of course, the yearly beef between two stars.

It's safe to say that one particular female dominated the night - Taylor Swift. First, she kicked off the show with an intense performance of "Out of the Woods," powering down the stage in a stunning, glittery pants outfit.

But the first five minutes weren't the end for her. Taylor received "Album of the Year," one of the most coveted awards, for "1989." While her win wasn't that surprising, her speech definitely was. She spoke about how females need to take credit for their accomplishments. Men will try to take the spotlight away, but they must stay strong while fighting for their dreams.

At a first listen, it's a very touching, empowering speech. Dig a little deeper, and it's clear she was referring to the wonderful Kanye West and the lyric in his new song - "I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex/Why? I made that b**ch famous." Lovely, right? Props to Taylor for standing up for all her hard work.

Possibly my favorite performance of the night was surprisingly, Hollywood Vampires. I'm not too familiar with Alice Cooper, but I love Johnny Depp. From Edward Scissorhands to Sweeny Todd, we've seen Depp in all sorts of makeup and costumes. But in my opinion, he never looked better than at the Grammy's, with his tattoos and guitar *insert swoon face here.* It should go without saying, he was one of the most talented artists in the room last night. The guy can literally do it all.

Justin Bieber had a great night, winning his first every Grammy award and performing the song that got him back on the charts, "Where Are You Now" with Skrillex and Diplo. After Adele's snoozefest of a performance, Bieber was a breath of fresh air. His voice was on point, he had a ton of energy, and wore the sharpest cheetah print jacket. I was probably the only female in America who was sad when he took it off...

This was a solid year for the Grammy's. Lady Gaga paid tribute to her idol David Bowie, Sam Smith looked cooler than ever with his weightloss and newfound beard, and The Weekend slayed the stage with his flawless vocals. But the best part? Taylor giving it right back to Kanye. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

American Idol The Farewell Season: Contestants to Watch

"THIS...is American Idol!" For 15 seasons, we've gathered around the TV to hear the always energetic Ryan Seacrest say those four magical words. We've seen 15 years of ordinary people like Kelly Clarkson become worldwide superstars. And of course, 15 years of some "interesting" contestants...we all remember William Hung, right?

Sadly, this year is the Farewell Season, and we must say goodbye. I can't say I'm surprised the show is ending. For the past few years, the winners have been forgettable. When discussing with family and friends, we have to Google past contestants to even remember who competed ("that guy with the hair won right??").

However, I think this year will be different. Last week, the judges narrowed the contestants down to the Top 24, and a few are some of the best performers the show has had in years:

Dalton Rapattoni - Hands down, my absolute favorite from the second he walked into his audition. From the flowered boots to the eyeliner, I knew he was something special. Dalton is unlike anything the show has seen - he takes all types of songs (everything from "The Phantom of the Opera" to N*Sync) and makes them his own style of pop/punk. Keith Urban predicted he'll make it all the way to the end, and I completely agree.

Shelbie Z - This girl has one of the strongest voices the show has seen in a long time. In the Showcase round at the Dolby Theater, she crushed "Baracuda" by Heart, and sounded just as powerful as the original artist. Shelbie also has a great story - she used to work as a hairdresser, but decided to take a shot to achieve her dreams.

Trent Harmon - This poor guy went through all of Hollywood week, the hardest part of the whole competition, with mono. He could barely stand up, and had to perform during group round as a solo artist for the safety of other contestants. I was first intrigued by his dedication, but also ended up loving his voice. He'll definitely be one to watch. If he's that talented with mono, imagine what he sounds like healthy.

Thomas Stringfellow - I have to be honest...Thomas caught my attention because of his unique last name. I mean, it's just so fun to say. But when he performed "Story of My Life" by One Direction during the Showcase round, right after his girlfriend of one year broke up with him, I knew he was much more than just an interesting name.

Lee Jean - Lee is one of the few contestants I remember well from the auditions. For being so young with a guitar almost as big as him, I was very impressed by his talent as he sang "I See Fire" by Ed Sheeran. He was a force to be reckoned with all through Hollywood Week, singing another huge hit "Stitches" by Shawn Mendes. If Lee keeps up his energy and chooses youthful songs that showcase his voice, he'll go very far.

Will any of my favorites make it through? Hopefully. But if anyone needs me on Wednesday and Thursday, you can find me frantically voting for Mr. Rapattoni.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Goodbye to 1D (for now!), hello to Zayn.

Last week was a roller coaster for One Direction fans. They're still recovering from the band's current hiatus, the birth of Louis Tomlinson's son Freddie, and rumors that the hiatus is actually a breakup. Throw in their most emotional video to date, plus Zayn's first solo video, and fans may just combust.

On Tuesday, January 26, the band released the video for their song "History." The song itself hints at the hiatus, ensuring fans that "this is not the end" and "we can live forever." Touching, right? This is nothing compared to the video.

As a self-proclaimed directioner since the pre-tattoo days of polo shirts and varsity jackets, I felt overwhelmed within two seconds of the video. The group stands on the XFactor stage looking like absolute babies as Simon Cowell smiles up from his seat, moments after creating One Direction. Knowing what would become of these guys who hardly knew each other is enough to give anyone chills.

The video goes on to show clips of their career - the boys waving to fans, performing sold out concerts, and just being the goofballs that the world fell in love with over the past five years.

A very welcome treat (besides Niall's new glasses) is Zayn's inclusion in the video clips. He was a huge part in the band's success, so it only makes sense that he's shown....whether he actually liked the music they made or not.

Ironically enough, Zayn dropped his first solo song and video for "Pillowtalk" only three days later. Coincidence? Who knows. But it got people talking.

The song is unlike anything he did with 1D. As the name hints, it's about sex - something that many 1D songs touched on but in a family-friendly way. (What did you think "tonight let's get some and live while we're young" meant??)

I didn't know what to expect with Zayn's solo career. Out of all the 1D members, he was by far my favorite singer. At the end of each track, I could always count on him to go crazy with the high notes and runs. I was routing for him to be successful after he left the band, but I wasn't sure I'd enjoy his style of music.

After staying up until midnight on Friday to take a first listen, I was pleasantly surprised. Yes, it's different and more R&B, but it still has a touch of pop to it, much like the route Nick Jonas has taken since leaving the Jonas Brothers.

The music video is a bit much, full of mostly naked shots of Zayn's girlfriend, Gigi Hadid, However, it does tie in perfectly with the song's theme, whether fans want to admit it or not.

While I can't speak for all One Direction fans, I'm happy for both the remaining four boys and Zayn.

Niall, Harry, Louis, and Liam managed to revamp their sound and create "Made in the AM," something that is just as good (or better) than anything that came before. Zayn realized what kind of music he's passionate about, and did something about it.

Whether they all end up having solo careers or if Louis becomes a soccer dad driving Freddie to practice, I'll support my boys no matter where they go.