Monday, November 30, 2015

Hey, what's up, hello!

Growing up, I was that kid obsessed with music and pop culture. I carried my portable CD player to the grocery store, had my favorite singers' pictures glued on all of my folders, and took over the family television during every award show.

This obsession grew over the years. During my college years, I twisted every final project I could into doing a compare/contrast between The Beatles and One Direction. I've recently entered the "real world" of a full-time working adult, and have the wonderfully tattooed face of Ronnie Radke pinned up proudly in my cubicle.

As I've grown, I've realized that this obsession has turned into a love and passion. I want this to be a part of my life for as long as humanly possible. No, this passion may not relate to the serious issues in the world, but it brings happiness - something that we could all use a little more of.

I could ramble on all day, which is why I created this blog. Enjoy my thoughts and adventures of album releases, concerts, and ultimately all things pop culture.

- Sammi B

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